Monday, June 23, 2014


Today is day two that Kelly is in Boston.  The pugs and I slept on the couch tonight and woke to the sounds of the street sweeper going by...seriously?! Once they knew I was awake they wouldn't stop jumping on and off the couch so that I'd get up and feed them because you know they're starving to death! So, we got up and they ate, and I made coffee. They went out to do their thing and I sat on the deck with my coffee and enjoyed what is going to turn out to be a hot day.

I had to go get my car serviced today and I found out that my side panel under the pax-side door had a hole in it! Shit!
Jeff told me that it's because I don't drive it enough anymore. When I lived out in the country I was driving all the time and now, since I'm in town, I barely use it.  It's beginning to rust and it's 11 years old! He's going to fix it in the next few weeks when I go for inspection or else it won't pass inspection.

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